Today, I am calling for young men aged 18-30 in Makerfield to do something special by joining the Anthony Nolan stem cell register.
Anthony Nolan is a pioneering charity that saves the lives of people with blood cancer. Every day, they use their register to match remarkable donors willing to donate their blood stem cells to people who desperately need potentially lifesaving transplants.
However, there is a shortage of young male donors on the bone marrow register. Men aged 18-30 account for 80% of donations, but make up just 19% of the register. Presently, Anthony Nolan can only find a matching donor for half the people who come to them in desperate need of a lifesaving transplant so this summer they are aiming to recruit 10,000 more young men to the register.
Young men interested in the chance to save someone’s life should go to
the Anthony Nolan website and enter the code
There are 1600 people in the UK in need of a potentially lifesaving stem cell transplant. By joining the Anthony Nolan Register, these young men will be offering patients the chance of life and a new hope to their families.
I found the story of 15 year old Alice Pyne inspiring and felt that if she can dedicate her life to recruiting donors then I should take part in that.
The young people I have met in my constituency are often gushing with altruism. I know many of them will relish the chance to step forward and join the Anthony Nolan register.
If every MP recruited just ten young men to the Anthony Nolan register, that would make up 6,500 new recruits towards the charity’s ten thousand target. These new donors could be saving lives by Christmas.
Anthony Nolan provides two potentially lifesaving transplants every day, but for every patient they can help, there is another for whom, sadly, no match can be found. On average, 65 people a day in the UK are diagnosed with a blood cancer – that’s one person every 23 minutes.
There are nearly 1,600 people in the UK in need of a bone marrow transplant. This is usually their last chance of survival. 70% of patients will not find a matching donor from within their families.
80% of donations take place via PBSC (peripheral blood stem cell collection). This is an outpatient appointment and is similar to donating blood.
Most donors talk about how wonderful it is to have saved someone’s life.